April 17 - Troop Meeting T3,S2f-g
April 17 - FINAL Camp Payment Due!!! If you have concerns about making your final payment by this date you MUST talk to Jessica before the 17th
April 26 - Troop Committee Meeting 7pm
April 21 - 23 - Back to Camp Council Camporee! Location: T Brady Saunders Scout Res. We will meet at the church Friday late afternoon and return Sunday.
April 24 - PLC at 6pm - Patrol leaders should arrive no later than 5:50pm.
April 24 - Troop Meeting **Come early for Tenderfoot Fitness Test!** Prep COH Flags,S8a-b,T3,S2f-g,F3a-c
April 29 - *ON YOUR OWN* Virginia War Memorial Merit Badge Day! Check your email for information!!
May 2023
May 1 - Court of Honor at 7pm in the Church Sanctuary. Cobra patrol handles the flags. FULL UNIFORM! Bring the whole family to celebrate YOUR scout!
May 4 - SERVICE HOURS: Unit Prog Planning Party (UP3) Fair! Parking lot - lots of Scouts are needed. Sign up will be sent out.
May 6 - SERVICE HOURS: Trash the Trash Day! Earn the Messengers of Peace Ring Patch.
May 6 - Special event for 5th & 6th grade boys after Trash the Trash Day!
May 8 - Troop Meeting Patrols Plan/Camporee, T4b-c,T5a-c
May 12 - Arrohattoc District Recognition Dinner - This recognizes all of our GREAT Troop volunteers, ALL 2022 Eagles, and All 2023 AOLS
May 13 - Fundraising opportunity at the church during the Rummage sale
May 15 - Troop Meeting Patrols Plan/Camporee, Catch-up Night
May 18 - Troop Committee Meeting 7pm
May 19 - 21 - Advancement Campout! Camp Mullins-Starke, Crewe, VA. We will meet at the church Friday evening and return Sunday.
May 22 - PLC at 6pm - Patrol leaders should arrive no later than 5:50pm.
May 22 - Troop Meeting **Come early for Tenderfoot Fitness Test!** Patrols Plan/Camporee, knots
May 29 - No School - No Scouts! Memorial Day
May 30 - SERVICE HOURS: Grace Cafe
May 30 - BSA Summer Camp Pipsico Zoom Update #3 7pm
**Late May - Annual Swim Test
**May? C.O.P.E. Ropes Course *OR* Fish -n- Shoot Day T Brady Saunders - only 24 spaces available, $20 each will include lunch. Scouts are only able to choose one.
June 2023
June 2 - 3 - Movie Night, Advancement Campout on the Field
June 3 - Hampden-Sydney Merit Badge Day 8am - 4pm
June 5 - Troop Meeting Prep for Summer Camp! Safe swim
June 5 - Parent Summer Camp Info Meeting 7pm. ALL paperwork should be turned in this day! We will meet briefly to give updates and additional details on prepping for camp.
June 13 - Troop Meeting Prep for Summer Camp! T4a-d, S6a-e - first aid
June 15 - Troop Committee Meeting 7pm
June 19 - Troop meeting Prep for Summer Camp! Catchup Night
June 26 - PLC at 6pm - Patrol leaders should arrive no later than 5:50pm.
June 26 - Troop meeting Prep for Summer Camp! Catchup Night
July 2023
July 3 - No Scouts! Fourth of July
July 9 - 15 - Summer Camp! Camp Pipsico
July 17 - PLC at 6pm - Patrol leaders should arrive no later than 5:50pm.
July 17 - Troop meeting and LEADER Elections! Plan for Next Year! S8a-b, T4, S6
July 20 - Troop Committee Meeting 7pm
July 24 - Troop meeting F8-b Orienteering + GPS
July 28 - Scout Night! Flying Squirrels! Wear Class A - Scout flags parade
July 31 - Troop meeting Prep COH Flag Ceremony, S7c, S9
August 2023
August 7 - Court of Honor at 7pm in the Church Sanctuary. Scorpion patrol handles the flags. FULL UNIFORM! Bring the whole family to celebrate YOUR scout!
August 10 - Arrohattoc District Roundtable 7pm @ Hopewell UMC
August 14 - Troop meeting Patrols Plan Float FOOD, F5b-d, F4a-b
August 17 - Troop Committee Meeting 7pm
August 19 - 3rd Annual James River Float! We need a Lifeguard. Powhatan St Park. Non-swimmers must be tethered to a swimmer.
August 21 - PLC at 6pm - Patrol leaders should arrive no later than 5:50pm.
August 21 - Troop meeting Plan for Next Year! S8a-b, F5b-d
August 28 - Troop meeting Catchup Night
December 2023
December 1 - 3 - Zomboree!